1. settings to raise car
2. chalk car
3. turn on car
4. attach vagcom vcds
5. instructions from Ross-tech:
Basic Setting
Do not perform any of these Basic Settings while the brakes are disassembled! Opening, closing, function tests, and otherwise cycling the Electronic Parking brakes should only be done with the pads and calipers properly installed on the rotors.
Please follow the procedures EXACTLY. There’s a reason for every step. If you skip any prerequisites or other steps here, you are likely to experience “issues” for which no documented resolutions exist, in which case we will not be able to help you resolve them.
It is strongly recommended to run a full Auto-Scan first thing to check for any preexisting faults! There have been several reports of repair shops damaging the Electronic Parking Brake System when trying to do rear brakes, but not telling the customer and then sending the car out the door.Open Rear Parking Brake
Connect a battery charger as per repair manual.
Cycle the Parking Brake ON, then OFF first.[Select]
[53 – Parking Brake]
[Basic Settings – 04]
Select Start lining change mode
[Go!] to activate the Basic Setting.
The brake calipers will then open, allowing the pads to be changed.
After the result of Finished Correctly appears click [Stop]
[Done, Go Back]
[Close Controller, Go Back – 06]Turn ignition off and leave battery charger connected.
The caliper pistons do not move back into the caliper, they must be pushed in using a hand tool. Fault code 721152 – Brake pad replacement mode active will be stored, this is normal.
Close Rear Parking BrakePrerequisites:
Connect a battery charger as per repair manual.
[53 – Parking Brake]
[Basic Settings – 04]
Select End lining change mode
[Go!] to activate the Basic Setting.
The brake calipers will then close.
After the result of Finished Correctly appears click [Stop]
[Done, Go Back]
[Close Controller, Go Back – 06]Turn ignition off
The LED in the parking brake switch and the warning lamp in the instrument cluster will probably continue to blink rapidly in addition to Fault code 721152 – Brake pad replacement mode active. This should stop after cycling the Parking Brake ON, then OFF again using the switch in the vehicle while holding the brake pedal AFTER all rear brake components are reassembled.
ReplacementWe do NOT have an official replacement procedure for this Parking Brake system at this time.
We received detailed feedback from two customers that had success using VCDS to configure new and used control module part number: 4H0 907 801 E
2012 RoW market A6. internal ref: E?ID=270368
2011 NAR market A8. internal ref: ST?ID=39737
15mm wrench and 13mm socket to remove two bolts holding caliper
loosen brake line so enough room to take off caliper
unplug brake sensor
take off caliper
remove brake pads
place new brake pads with shims